A week later, and the press is still obsessed with the state dinner party crashers. Why? It was a good story for a day, but why are they still dissecting it? Yawn.
Labels: politics
A week later, and the press is still obsessed with the state dinner party crashers. Why? It was a good story for a day, but why are they still dissecting it? Yawn.
Labels: politics
A local acquaintance just announced her annual Christmas party. I wasn't invited, but that's fine, I wouldn't have gone anyway. I went last year and I thought it was awkward as hell - a room full of Jews celebrating Christmas. I grew up having a Christmas tree every year, and it didn't ultimately impact my Jewish identity. But it was my non- Jewish parent who instigated the festivities and my Jewish father just tolerated it. It is a bit odd that this woman, who is Jewish and is raising her kids Jewish, still insists on overtly celebrating Christmas. I suppose she can say that it's all for her husband and his family, but it's still her that's doing the decorating and such. And most of the guests, at least last year, were Jewish - it's not just a party for her non-Jewish friends and family. Whatever. Everyone makes their own choices, but I'm happy not to be involved. I'm so glad that my real friends don't do that, so I don't have to pretend that I'm fine with it.
Labels: Personal
Watched several movies over the holiday weekend.
Labels: movies
I was a little, what - startled, disappointed, intrigued - when I was watching video of the state dinner at the White House, to see both Sanjay Gupta (the CNN doc) and Fareed Zakaria escorting their very blond wives into the festivities. I guess Indian Americans are just a suseptible as African Americans are to announcing that they've suceeded by marrying a very, very white woman.
Labels: society
Watched two rather similar movies recently, both independents, both with good casts including a famous face or two, both romantic comedies with a twist, both trying to be more intelligent than the typical Hollywood fare. And both had rather mixed results.
Labels: movies
I almost cried when I heard that my friend Lisa was diagnosed with breast cancer. She's had her lumpectomy and is awaiting news on follow-up treatments (originally they thought it wasn't in her lymph nodes, but it was, so now she needs chemo as well as radiation). Every time I talk to her, I just want to bang my head against a wall. It took me awhile to realize why I was so frustrated with her having this disease. I think it's because getting cancer is such a humbling experience and of all the people I know, she is the least in need of humbling. She's just so nice, so completely unobjectionable, which I can't say about too many people. Not that anyone deserves cancer, but some people deserve it less than others.
I enjoyed this column in the latest Newsweek about gay images on TV. An excerpt:
Labels: society
Weird to hear Attorney General Eric Holder say "acquittal is not an option" for KSM - then what's the point of having a trial? Then, on CNN this morning, a reporter said that exact thing and asked the legal analyst who was the guest to explain it. He noted that Holder talks like a prosecuter - that's just how they think of it, and that federal prosecutors don't bring cases unless they're likely to win. So that makes sense.
Glad that the Senate has presented their healthcare bill, which has some good elements, and I love the "BOTAX" - a 5% tax on elective cosmetic surgery - what a brilliant way to pay for additional healthcare for people who can't afford the basics!
Labels: politics
Excellent essay in the latest issue of Newsweek about Sarah Palin's political appeal by Christopher Hitchens (who's insufferable in person but is a terrific writer). This is my favorite paragraph, but the whole thing is very good (much better than the companion piece by Evan Thomas).
Labels: politics
Labels: Personal
I went to the synagogue in the morning for Max Smeader's bar mitzvah - I was teary-eyed almost the whole time, thinking of Caleb up there in a few years. Then I ran home to get Alana from her playdate at Lily's and meet Betsy for a short visit. When she left (with her friend Luna), we went to the grocery store and ran several other errands (bought a new bathroom scale, dropped off library books, and finally bought grocery cards for the Board tzedakah). Then went home and watched Horton Hears a Who (which was much better than I had expected). Then we played Go Fish and 31. Caleb won both rounds of the former, but I crushed him in the latter. A wonderful day.
Labels: Personal
I am so confused! When I first heard the recommendation to begin regular screenings at age 50 instead of 40, I thought, "o.k., whatever."
Labels: society
Labels: politics
I finally checked out some movies that are opening in December and January (I haven't managed to see a single list in any magazines or newspapers, so I went to This is my Must See List:
Labels: movies
WOW! Wonderful way to set up the next season - the principles are starting their own agency and Joan is back. Now just get Sal on board and I'll be happy. Best scene was when Don came to Peggy's apartment (if he can't salvage his relationship with one woman, at least he can do so with another). Close second was Don and Betty on the phone . . . "I won't fight you Betts" - her facial expressions said more than a thousand words would have. Third is a tie - Don making up with Roger, and Don telling Pete why he likes him - a sincere Don is simply irresistible. Fourth is Roger and Don leaving the agency and Roger says "Don't bother[locking the door]" - as always, every line Roger utters is perfect and perfectly delivered. How will I live without them all???
Labels: Personal
I had thought it was Hope Davis in those annoying "Oil or Creme" Reddi Whip ads - I'd seen them several times and I'm not usually wrong when identifying actors. I was a bit surprised that she would do an ad, but, hey, people have to pay their bills.
Labels: movies
Best news - Owens won the 23rd District in NY. Yahoo! I was worried about the race - I saw Hoffman's ads on TV every day and you can never underestimate the appeal of neanderathals. But it was not to be. I'm really thrilled about that - quite a defeat for the right wingers. Which is good, since the news elsewhere was BAD. NJ has a strongly conservative new governor. And what happened in Virginia is really scary.
Labels: politics
Waited to vote until after I picked up the kids and I made sure they saw what I was doing as I marked my ballot and put it through the machine. Alana seemed more interested in the snacks on the poll workers' table!
Labels: politics
My initial thoughts on the penultimate episode of the season:
Holy mackeral! Thank goodness for the extra hour of sleep! Had to stop at Brugger's on the way in to the synagogue to get bagels for the Sisterhood meeting. Set up the food (Caleb helped) and introduced the speaker. He was terrific! Then went home, got everyone some lunch, took the dog for a walk in the park, and then headed out with Alana for her friend's BD party at the MOST. Ran over the ACTS meeting for an hour while she was at the party - just long enough to hold the Temple Concord sign in the parade of member organizations. (I loved that meeting - a room packed full of people who care about the same things that I do - I was choked up the whole time I was there!) Then went back to the MOST to grab Alana and drive home. Then jumped in Larry's mom's car to drive up to Watertown and meet Danny for dinner in Larry's TRH (first time we've seen him in 2 months - he lost 25 pounds and looks great; his deployment to Afghanistan, scheduled for January has been postponed - hurrah; but he may be reassigned to Ft Stewart in Georgia - yay for him, but boo for us). Now I'm home and just trying to stay awake long enough to watch Don Draper's world collapse a bit more on Mad Men.
Labels: Personal