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Sunday, November 01, 2009

What a day!

Holy mackeral! Thank goodness for the extra hour of sleep! Had to stop at Brugger's on the way in to the synagogue to get bagels for the Sisterhood meeting. Set up the food (Caleb helped) and introduced the speaker. He was terrific! Then went home, got everyone some lunch, took the dog for a walk in the park, and then headed out with Alana for her friend's BD party at the MOST. Ran over the ACTS meeting for an hour while she was at the party - just long enough to hold the Temple Concord sign in the parade of member organizations. (I loved that meeting - a room packed full of people who care about the same things that I do - I was choked up the whole time I was there!) Then went back to the MOST to grab Alana and drive home. Then jumped in Larry's mom's car to drive up to Watertown and meet Danny for dinner in Larry's TRH (first time we've seen him in 2 months - he lost 25 pounds and looks great; his deployment to Afghanistan, scheduled for January has been postponed - hurrah; but he may be reassigned to Ft Stewart in Georgia - yay for him, but boo for us). Now I'm home and just trying to stay awake long enough to watch Don Draper's world collapse a bit more on Mad Men.



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