Hat shower/Tea party for my friend Lisa

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Labels: Personal
Watched a bunch of videos again this weekend.
Labels: movies
Such a sad and horrible incident, witnessed by tons of people, including children.
Labels: society
Newsweek has run some great movie-related articles lately. One on how Gene Hackman left the business because he didn't want to play grandfathers (after being in some of the most iconic movies of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s). Another on the death of the biopic - after the offerings of 2009 such as Amelia and Creation (on Darwin) have fallen flat. The latest was a terrific piece on remakes of Swedish films like Brothers, and on movie influences in general. Great stuff.
Labels: movies
Philadelphia-based radio personality Michael Smerconish has switched parties from Republican to Democrat! I saw him talking about it on the Chris Matthews Show. Here's an excerpt of his column from Sunday explaining his decision:
Labels: politics
I'm sitting here in my office, half listening to NPR, as usual, and I hear that the next question is from "Leo in Tucson." It's my brother!!! Holy mackeral! I listen all the time and I never heard anyone I know call in. He sounded amazing - so articulate and intelligent. I'm swooning.
Labels: Personal
In only his second vote ever in Congress, Scott Brown voted with Dems and against a Republican fillibuster on the jobs bill. Wow! Just trying to assert his independence or was he amply rewarded? Hmmm.
Labels: politics
I watched a bunch of movies during my vacation this past week.
Labels: movies
I've been a bit taken aback by comments I've heard twice recently about how awful it would be if rich whites took in poor blacks in order for them to play football for their alma maters al a the movie, The Blind Side. In a recent conversation, someone equated that scenario to slavery. Huh?
Labels: society
Facebook is so fun. I've reconnected with several people that I really did wonder what happened to them. But it's so odd too. I have almost 200 friends but hardly anyone posts, maybe a dozen or so people regularly. Even weirder is that while almost no one comments on my posts (maybe a half dozen people), I've had several people say to me in-person that they liked something I posted, an article, or a photo, or whatever. But why didn't they say that online? It's like they're unclear on the concept - that's what the "like" button is for if you don't want to take the time to comment. I just don't understand - why get involved in social networking if you aren't going to interact?
Labels: Personal
This is some intriguing speculation (at Gold Derby)- the question is, how significant are the Golden Globes as a predictor?
Labels: movies
Trip to Georgia was terrific, but not nearly as relaxing as I had hoped. I brought a bunch of issues of Newsweek, thinking I would catch up, and several movies on DVD. I had visions of lounging in the luxurious room, but the schedule was so full, I literally never did that. It was so nice, but I had so little time to really revel it.
Labels: Personal
Wow, I am out of practice driving in traffic. I find myself really tensing up on these multi-lane roads. It's not congestion or traffic jams, it's just the volume and the way that people drive in an unpredictable way. I don't trust anyone to stay in their lane or to give me any warning of what they're planning to do. I've only been out of the area for a couple years, but I am no longer comfortable with this city driving.
Labels: Personal
Holy crow, this story is just blowing my mind. Why did she shoot them? Over tenure. Three lives cut short. Just awful.
Labels: society
Anesthesia & Analgesia. Feb 9 2010 [Epub ahead of print]
Commentator on NPR's Talk of the Nation, Mary Elizabeth Williams, who also writes for Salon.com, noted what I had noticed - that there were several ads showing emasculated men reclaiming their masculinity - the FloTV "spineless men" ad, the Dockers "we wear no pants" ad, and, worst of all, the Dodge Charger "we've given up so much" ad.
I have to admit that I just don't get why adults swoon over animated movies. Up was entertaining, but it's a cartoon. Same with Wall-E. They're fun, but they're not really entertainment for adults. I want to watch movies that showcase human performances - that's what I consider the sine qua non for a really exceptional movie. Animation is impressive and artistic, but it's limited. It can be just as fun, but it can't be as meaningful, by definition.
Labels: movies
Got a nasty virus on my work computer on Wednesday, but didn't realize how serious it was until Thursday morning, when the computer was unusable. Nice IT tech came and removed the virus, but had to clear my hard drive to do it. Then he couldn't get me reconnected to the network. Another tech came to my office, but he couldn't figure it out either. Eventually, they took the computer with them, back to their office, and Paul, the guy who originally set it up, reconfigured it. It's fine now, but it's different - some things look different, and I can't find some things. It's not going to be fun to sort it all out.
Loved this item on Hullabaloo:
Labels: politics
CNN is covering these folks a lot lately, and each time I hear about them, my blood just boils. I'm not sure if CNN wants to give the group credibility or showcase how marginal they are.
Labels: politics
No big surprises. Because they expanded the Best Picture category to 10 (which I think is silly), finally all the directors' pictures are included, though obviously not all the pictures' directors are included.
Labels: movies
I've never even seen Air Bud, the movie that started it all. But with Alana so obsessed with puppies, we went straight to the knock-offs (you can't even call them sequels because they're something like the 6th and 7th movies in the series).
Labels: movies