Noah's memorial service
This is what I ended my short eulogy with -
Our hometown paper in Flagstaff. THis appears at the top of the page. (Not sure why the photo quality is so bad - I sent them a jpeg file.)
Today I sent obituaries to the Flagstaff and Tucson newspapers. I talked to the Special Uses Coordinator about scattering cremains in the Coronado National Forest (they neither issue permits for, nor "condone," this activity). I left a message at Heichal Ba-oranim, the synagogue in Flagstaff. Over the weekend, I spoke to several old friends. I got more messages on Facebook and on this blog. Rather than making Noah's death seem more real, all of this makes it seems more surreal. Outside the sun is shining. On the way home from work, I have to stop at the store and get deli meat for the kids' lunches. Life goes on, and meanwhile, the gaping hole in the universe that was my baby brother remains.
Labels: Personal
Matt Bai makes an interesting observation in the latest NY Times Sunday Magazine:
Labels: politics
How cool is it that the Apollo 11 astronauts are using the publicity surrounding the 40th anniversary of the moonwalk to talk about Mars exploration:
Labels: society
Excellent Newsweek column on Sonia Sotomayor by Dahlia Lithwick. I especially loved the final paragraph:
Labels: politics
A friend recommended this terrific Peggy Noonan column on Sarah Palin. I'm not a huge fan of Noonan, but she really nails the issues. Here's a brief excerpt:
Labels: politics
I heard nothing about this story until Bill Maher talked about it on his show, Real Time, tonight. Holy mackeral! I got the following info from a blog. Note that she still won the YR election (and she's 36 years old!)
Labels: politics
Labels: movies
I'm anything but a fan of David Brooks, but I thought he said some insightful things in a recent NY Times column about the demise of dignity as a social norm. Here are the final paragraphs:
Labels: movies
Superb piece in the NY Times Sunday Magazine about rationing healthcare. Here's a brief excerpt, but the whole piece is excellent.
My friend Michelle recently sent me a link to Noam Chomsky's first major speech after the election on November 24, 2008, in Boston. He says a bunch of interesting stuff, but here's my two favorite paragraphs:
Labels: politics
Tyler Perry is paying for all those kids who got kicked out of the Philadelphia swim club to go to Disneyland!
Labels: movies
Fascinating interview with the author of a new book, Methland - Nick Reding on NPR's All Things Considered. His point is that meth is not just a drug problem, but an indication of larger issues, like the destruction of small town economic structure. Sounds like a Must Read:
Labels: society
Excellent commentary by Jennifer Pozner, regarding the media's approach to women in power, specifically Sarah Palin:
Labels: politics
Labels: movies
My thought was "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out." But NPR's Michel Martin says it much more eloquently:
Labels: politics