You've got to be motherfucking kidding me. A year in
May? I really want to put this behind me. I really don't want to have any feelings about this at all. Why do I care that they were together for months instead of weeks before he left? But this is like a punch in the face. If she just posted this on her own FB wall and didn't tag Larry, I never would have found out about it - it's not like my friends are friends with her. But when she put it on Larry's wall, people started to tell me about it.
She knows he was living at home through the entire summer (though she may not know he was saying "I love you" to me and acting like things were FINE). What kind of asshole claims their relationship started while he was still living with his family? What kind of asshole publicly celebrates their anniversary knowing that people reading it are well aware that he was still living with his family? She was married (twice!), she has a son living at home with her. How would she feel in the situation??? It's so disrespectful.
I just want to remember that he spent the entire Rosh Hashanah dinner on
Sep 18 telling (in a most adorable fashion!) the story of how we met. Which, at the time, I thought was bizarre, but, again, made me think that he still had some commitment to our marriage. It's this level of gaslighting that I don't understand - who goes to the trouble to project such adoration (everyone there was completely charmed) while they are seriously romatically involved with someone else??? It's really repulsive and sort of frightening.
Anyway, some people think she did it on purpose to tweak me, but I think that's ridiculous - I doubt she gives a fuck one way or the other about me (Larry
clearly doesn't GAF). I doubt she thinks of me at all. But my kids! Jesus Christ in a shoebox. How does she think her son would feel if he saw that from his dad after his parents were freshly divorced?
Someone also suggested that she posted it publically because their relationship is already waning. That is an intrguing thought, especially with her strange choice of words - why would someone never know how much you love them? Also, several people have suggested that it's only a matter of time before he comes crawling back, but that seems unlikely to me - our relationship had been over for years, maybe decades - Larry has a pretty short attention span, it turns out. I think it is much more likely that he would do to her what he did to me and just take up with someone else, once the bloom is off the rose. How long before the drudgery of the daily grind takes over and the romance dies? He needs to be worshipped and never criticized, so as long as she does that, they will probably stay together, but if she actually expects him to keep his promises and help out and be a grown up, well... It's become clear to me over the years that he's not nearly as good at maintaining relationships as he is at sparking them. I realized recently that he's Wickham: "he is blessed with such happy manners as may ensure his making friends - whether he may be equally capable of retaining them is less certain.”
I really debated with myself about posting about this on FB. I want to move on and stop having my life be about this. But I was so outraged - we still have tons of mutual friends and family members who could have seen this on his wall. It makes me so fucking mad that he just swanned off and started a new life - I don't want him to get off scot free - I want people to know what a shit he is. That's dumb and pointless, of course, but also a pretty normal reaction. As I said to Beth, who was upset about my divorce post on FB, I didn't write much at all about him and about the circumstances of our separation - about how he just left and left me to sort out everything - so I thought I was entitled to one shitty post about him, and I saved it until the divorce was final in April.

I did post about this anniversary post of Stefanie's in May (my 2nd shitty post about him) and got a lot of great comments and encouragement, so it was worth it, even though I felt a little weird and uncomfortable about it.
And this is what I sent to him: