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Saturday, May 22, 2021

2021 can fuck off too

So turns out, you cannot have chickens in Syracuse. Everybody thinks you can have chickens in Syracuse. The cop called to my house about the chickens told me I could have chickens in Syracuse. I've seen Syracuse listed on websites of cities that allow chickens. But I still got a notice from the Code Enforcement Division saying I have to get rid of my chickens. After all the time and money that I spent moving the chickens and getting them set up, I had to give them away. 

Less than a week later, I had to take Roxy to the vet and have her put to sleep because she was clearly collapsing. I think she had a stroke. I know she had a seizure and it must have affected her more than it seemed, because she deteriorated very quickly starting about a week later. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, only made bearable by knowing I had given her a good life (Lisa helped me so much with this, in a long conversation on Sat night). A FB friend had this painting made for me, from the photo I posted to let people know she was gone (when I put it on the window sill, it looks like she is glowing). She was the dearest pet and friend to me. I will always think of the woman in the Michael Vick dogs documentary, The Champions, who talked about how important it was to her that her dog had developed trust for her. That was how I felt about Roxy - she didn't really trust anyone but me, and I took that trust as the gift that it was. I had her cremated and sprinkled her ashes along the trail in Clay Park - her favorite place in the whole wide world. I'm glad she's at peace:


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