
Labels: movies
Labels: movies
A great paper that may fold, making San Francisco the only major city without a daily newspaper. Really bad news.
Terrific segment on NPR this afternoon (30 minutes). I heard most, but not all of it. Included several suggestions for the best films to see (of those mentioned, I've only seen Bandit Queen and Monsoon Wedding). On the website there's a list of 5 movies, but several others were discussed during the segment. I checked the local library system for about a dozen titles and they had exactly 1.
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Loved it. Can you imagine Bush saying these things? Ha! Here's the last few paragraphs:
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A fun year. A few surprises. Strong contests with many fine performances and interesting films (I saw many nominees this year, more than in any recent year).
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Great book excerpt in The Week about how uninformed people are regarding statistics and their interpretation:
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This is a Facebook thing:
How old does it make me feel to get information about the forthcoming reunion of my high school class in 2010??? Freakin' old!
Labels: society
I saw this article when looking for something else at the NY Times website, but didn't read it, thinking that schools and daycare centers have specific rules and therefore there is little more to know. But I did read it later, because my friend Lynda sent it to me, and I was so glad that I did - it should be required reading for nervous parents. (It was one of the top emailed stories at the site today.) I certainly appreciate the perspective that germs are there all winter and there is no particular reason to fret about the kids with runny noses or persistent coughs. Too many germ-phobes with not enough real worries are convinced that they can actually protect their kids from germs, as if this were even desireable.
Labels: society
What do I care about a bunch of over-paid men who play children's games? Nothing at all, but children are influenced by the behviors of famous athletes and that's the relevance. I was disappointed, but not surprised, by Alex Rodriguez and his "apology" for both using steroids and lying about it. I enjoyed this discussion on NPR's Talk of the Nation - two sports writers made several interesting points. Professional football treats steroid use like a PR problem - it's widely known and there is very little, if any, hand-wringing over it. On the other hand, in football, personal stats are less central - the number of yards or touchdowns are noticed, but in baseball, stats are central and so "cheating" is more scandalous. Bottom line, the fans of all sports don't seem to care - they certainly don't buy fewer tickets when these scandals emerge whether in baseball, bicycling or the Olympics. I guess I was most offended that Alex Rodriguez told a bald-faced lie in his primetime Katie Couric interview* and therefore to his fans. I find that much more reprehensible than the actual drug use. I mean, "everybody's doing it" is not an acceptable excuse, but it's a better excuse for using performance enhancers than it is for lying. What's worse, lying or cheating? I supposed it's a toss up. In any event, thanks A-Rod for setting such a fine example. The parents of America are indebted to you.
Labels: society
Great story on NPR - I'm so glad I happened to be in the car and I caught this.
Labels: movies
I find myself sort of ranting and raving about the stimulus bill to anyone I talk to about it. I'm just so mad at the Republicans for their smug righteousness and hypocrisy. Among other things, several of them required absurd earmarks be added to the bank bailout bill in order to secure their votes for it, and there was very little teeth-gnashing over that. Now the Repugs act like the sky is falling because of all the shameless padding of the stimulus bill. Of course I would prefer that the bill be perfect, but the truth is, this is the way that legislation is passed EVERY every time, and the Repugs are no more pure than the Dems - they're just more willing to stand in front of a microphone and express their fake outrage. Shut the fuck up is basically my response. Even if I object myself, I can't stand their bullshit and I end up defending the whole process.
Labels: politics
How did I miss this wonderful video??? Here's some lyrics, but you must watch the video.
I can't dispel the sinking feeling I have that our government has really let us down. And not just Bush and the Republicans - the Dems controlled Congress for the last two years, they were the heads of the Banking and the Finance and the Commerce Committees. What were they doing all this time? How could they let this situation get so dire? This is serious - people are losing their jobs and homes. Many people. Businesses are failing, and so far, nothing is helping - the insane amount of money handed over to banks and Wall Street firms has not stemmed the tide.
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