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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Disappointed again

  Another bizarre dating app fiasco. This guy seemed promising, we were talking about books. He gave me his email address and suggested that I email him, which I did, even though I thought it was a bit odd and sort of scammy. 

Then he claims he responded to the email and became kind of insistent about it, saying the email brought him back to the app, which was definitely not my email, like what? 

He also says he did "warn" me that he doesn't go back and check email, which he absolutely never said. And why would you give somebody your email address and then tell them that you aren't gonna be going back to check your email, like what?

 (I think he's confusing messaging in the dating app with email because they're both apps on his phone... I'm not sure though)

Then, when I said, I never got an email, he brushes me off: good luck to you.

He could have suggested that we just talk on the app, but I guess I'm not worth it. 

I didn't necessarily think he was going to be my great love, but I thought there was some potential to at least have an interesting conversation with another person in North Dakota. I guess that's not happening.

I did reach out to him again because it just seemed worth trying one more time. He sent me a bunch of very long messages with no punctuation. He said I "manifested what he is looking for" but... He explained his "psychology" and a bunch of other stuff...it's not even worth copying and pasting here. Everyone thinks they are so special and unique and deep. And this guy keeps apologizing for his spelling and his rambling, but just can't make the effort to craft a message that communicates effectively. I've run out of steam on this. Damn, there are a lot of weird people out there.



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