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Sunday, January 15, 2023

Strange guest

  I have been grateful to have some bookings at my airbnb in January because I expected the month to be quiet and I really need the money. However, the trend continues of having rather odd men staying with me. The most recent one was staying overnight so he could attend a UND hockey game. He's from Boston. 

When he came in, he asked me about my RBG pillow, and then started to just vomit out his political views to me for about 40 minutes, most of which I thought were ridiculous, including his assertion that Black people don't like Asians, so racism doesn't exist. Seriously. Everything was said in that way some people (mostly men) have, of asserting what they're saying as if it's so obvious. 

He sounded exactly like the guy I met on the dating app and talked to on the phone, who launched into a long recitation of his political views that mostly were just silly, like if punishments were harsher then people wouldn't commit crimes (this is demonstrably false, which I told him and he ignored). 

I've also had some very nice guests, both men and women, but I haven't had any women as weird as some of the men.


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