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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Super hero day

So much going on right now, it's hard to get my arms around it. I have discovered that "gratitude" is not the same as "appreciation." Once I gave my notice at UND, many people had lots of nice things to say, which is great and I'm super flattered, but that certainly is not, and has not been, reflected in the meetings I've been invited to or been reflected in how much I am listened to when I have been included. 

But today was a great day! It was a 360 degree librarian day:

I started the day teaching a large undergrad class at 9 am (in-person); the tech let me down for the final exercise and I forgot something important, but I still think I killed it

Next, I did some student engagement with the College of Ed during their semi-annual HS outreach event. Not only did I kill it with the students, but I talked to relevant staff and faculty and made some great connections.

Right after this, I was covering chat and got a research question - we got onto zoom and I killed it helping this student find the right resources.

I closed out the day having a conversation about materials to buy for the children's collections that supports our goal of expanding biligual books this year.

Then I went and donated blood.

Later, I met one of the visiting fellows and helped them work through a frustrating situation they had experienced earlier in the week. I think I said all the right things and they felt better after our conversation.

So I'm feeling like a superstar librarian and generally outstanding contributing member of society. I need to remember this on the many, many days where I feel like I am wasting my time and screwing everything up.


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