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Monday, October 07, 2024

KC Customer Service

Had a truly bizarre experience with a property manager in KC today. 

I had chosen an apt on their website, they contacted me, I said I could only do a virtual tour, and it was scheduled for today. 

This afternoon, I got a text asking me to confirm our 3 pm appt, and I replied "okay." At 3 pm, nothing happened - I didn't get a call or a link in an email or anything. 

I called the number that had texted me (Brylea) and got no answer. I called the main office number and Brylea answered. She said she usually gets a text reply that says "yes confirm" So she's mad because I only said "okay"??? 

I said something like I had expected the tour to occur on the computer and she said, "yeah we'll set up a google meet." I said "okay" and the call ended. Did she hang up on me for saying "okay" again??? 

I have no idea. She didn't call back.

This apt has been listed for over a month. wtaf? She's being this shitty to a potential renter for a place that's empty? Very worrisome if this is typical customer service in the Show Me State!

I will add that there are about a thousand apartments for rent in KC, so this is very much more her loss than mine. I think I'll write a Google review or email the company about how they lost a customer...


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