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Monday, July 17, 2023

East Coast kind, West Coast nice


I've been thinking a lot about this debate and how it applies to the Midwest.

Here are some of the comments about the idea that I copied and pasted from various places (bold added):

"The East Coast is kind but not nice, the West Coast is nice but not kind."

"West coast is friendly but aloof. Initial interactions are pleasant but shallow. People make nice but generally try to avoid further engagement. East coast is unfriendly but real. Initial interactions can be unpleasant but heartfelt. People will tell you what they really think but if you can get past that initial awkwardness it’s possible to have a really meaningful interaction."

"West coast interactions are light and airy. East coast interactions can be brutally honest with strangers. West coasters seem to want to avoid unpleasantness while east coasters want to bond over it."

"In NYC, they say 'fuck you' when they mean 'have a nice day' and in California it's the opposite."


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