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Thursday, April 13, 2023

Taking a break

My subscription expired to Match.com this month and I'm not gonna renew, at least not for now. Recently, just like in January, a bunch of interested people faded after promising beginnings. 

I exchanged phone numbers with the abrasive Jewish guy mentioned in an earlier post, but he stopped answering me after 2 texts. No great loss. 

Another guy emerged in the meantime, exact same trajectory: showed what seemed like real interest, we chatted a bit on the app and made a plan to meet for a drink. We exchanged phone numbers, he texted me twice, then nothing for days. 

I had a Zoom conversation with the cautious guy, after the April blizzard interrupted our plans to have dinner. Then he also stopped answering me. When I screwed up my courage and asked him why, he said essentially "it's me, not you." He said he thought he was ready for a relationship, but now he's having doubts. Maybe this is true, or maybe he's just trying to let me down easy. I have no idea when to take people at face value and when to read between the lines - I feel like I always make the wrong call...

I'm not sure what to think about all this disappointment. Of course, I can't help feeling like I'm doing something to put these guys off. But, in most of these situations, we haven't interacted enough for me to even get a chance to not meet their expectations. 

I tend to think it's just built in to dating apps - there's always somebody new to capture a person's attention. It's just easier to move on to the next person than to make an effort with the person you started talking with. 

I'm starting to feel like their initial level of enthusiasm is directly proportional to how quickly they lose interest. 

My choice seems to come down to an aggravating level of apathy or incredibly temporary enthusiasm...

It's just too discouraging - what is the point of spending the money if I just feel like a failure all the time?



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