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Sunday, June 04, 2023

Aggravating guest

This is so weird: the last time I got a snitty review like this, I had listened to the guest just vomit his opinions onto me for a couple of hours. The exact same thing happened with this guest - I sat there listening to her bloviate for a couple of hours in the evening, she went into the bedroom, left first thing in the morning, and then her review was kind of obnoxious. Why on earth would you stay in someone's house knowing they have a cat if you're allergic to cats? I mean, I'm sorry the cat was bugging her, but no one else has said the cat was a problem, and other guests have managed to close the door. I was up very late (the light in my bedroom was on), she could have said something to me instead of just posting a mean review.

But honestly, it's the bitching about the house being small that really annoys me. My listing is CHEAP and the description is very accurate, with lots of photos. There are many other listings in Grand Forks that are just a little more money. If you want more space, a bigger bed, and a separate bathroom, PAY THE MONEY. Don't stay in the small, cheap place, and then bitch about it being small. 


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