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Monday, July 18, 2022


So I'm chatting with a guy on the dating app because he says in his profile that he really likes reading. Sounds promising. Turns out, he just reads Tom Clancy and other genre fiction, and he talks a lot about his car, a GT Torino. #MidlifeCrisis. 

I'm already over this guy, but, out of the blue, he asks me if I know how to make s'mores. And I say, yes, I think most people our age do. Then he says, the question was a test. I asked, did I pass (but I'm thinking, gtfo). He says, no, I didn't, but he believes in second chances, so he asks me another question about s'mores.

I respond that I'm not into tests, I don't think we are suited to each other, and good luck in his search (I was planning to say something much more rude but restrained myself). And he says that he was just kidding and he was also thinking we weren't a match. 

I would have screenshotted this dumb conversation but he immediately deleted it.

My question is, why be deliberately unpleasant with this testing BS instead of just saying "I don't think we're a match"? What a douche. Why are there so many douches?????



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