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Sunday, July 17, 2022

I should make this a screening question

 Another pointless lunch date today with a guy who didn't bother to pretend he found me interesting. Toward the end of the meal, he says he doesn't see the point of public libraries: the schools and universities both have libraries, so why do you need another one? I don't know why you would say that to a librarian unless you were actually trying to be disagreeable. I suppose if you think a library is a building with books inside, you might reasonably conclude they are useless in the digital age. Of course, if you understand that there are people in the world who are different from you and might not have access to everything you take for granted in your life, including a large and steady paycheck, you might begin to see the value. AND if you understand some of the things a public library provides for a community - a safe space to go, a place to access resources, a place where someone can help you find information, you might start to see the value. But if you don't believe in the common good, you definitely don't see the value of a public library...



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