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Thursday, June 03, 2021

Broken family ties

Talked to Beth today. Bobbie has sold her house in NJ (over the weekend) and he doesn't even know because they have both called him and he said he was too busy to talk and he said he would call back and he never did! So she is in NJ helping Bobbie move and he doesn't even know. Crazy.

Beth thinks his behavior is clearly a result of addiction because it is so out of character for him, but I'm not sure I accept that anymore. What IS his actual character? 

Note to self: even Danny mentioned that he had noticed (the most recent time he saw him, which is last year at this point) how much he had changed.

Schadenfreude note: Beth also said that Bobbie called him in April to let him know Beth was visiting and he said he wanted to bring Stefanie down to meet her and Bobbie said, if he wanted to visit, she wanted him to come alone, which, come to think of it, is probably why he is giving them the cold shoulder...


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