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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Congressional elections

It is currently widely accepted that the Foley scandal will help the Dems win seats in Congress; some are even predicting that the Dems could win both the House and the Senate.

Of course I would like to see the Dems take back Congress, and I hardly care about how they do it (I didn't used to be so callous), but this seems rather pathetic. On the other hand, the issue is less about a minor sexual scandal and more about complacency and corruption in the Congressional leadership, which is not a bad reason to vote for someone else.

Unfortunately, if the Dems win anything, the next two years will be all about impeaching Bush, or at least investigating him, and yet again, the People's Business (healthcare, security, jobs, clean air and water) will be on the back burner.


Blogger Pacman said...

I agree with you 100%, other than Dems taking over Congress. One thing I did find out is that Congressman Ney who was just convicted and is facing 10 years in prison will still get his cingressional pension. How did this happen? The Senate failed to resolve the bill sent up by congress which stated that a congressperson convicted of a crime directly related to their position in congress would forfeit theie pension. The senate has failed to accept his and the bill sits w/o action. Vote 1/3 of the senate out this year, as they are looking to protect themselves if they get caught with their hand in the jar.

12:40 PM  

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