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Friday, September 08, 2006

The furor over "The Path to 9/11"

I had heard of this 5 hour mini-series, made by ABC and Disney, but I just heard about the protests over it yesterday, when my friend Raj sent me a NY Times article about it. Then I surfed around and read more. What's most shocking to me is that ABC and Disney have deliberately promoted the program through conservative talk shows and blogs, so how can anyone claim that the show is a balanced account of the events? The network is planning a disclaimer regarding the "dramatization" of the events, but that's so disingenuous - many people will tune in after the disclaimer and therefore won't even see it. More importantly, no one watching will know what in the show is fictionalized and what isn't, so the disclaimer does nothing to help clarify the veracity of the depiction. If they want to present the material, why not just do it accurately and eliminate the need for the disclaimer? Frankly, it's frightening to me that a large media company would produce and broadcast what amounts to a propaganda piece just weeks before an important election. In addition, the "docudrama" is being provided to schools through the Scholastic company. Hopefully students will get to see the disclaimer!

Parenthetically, conservatives went balistic when CBS produced an unflattering film about the Reagans, which was never shown on CBS due to the protests, though it was eventually broadcast on Showtime (I watched it - it was a silly movie). How much more important is it for the events preceding 9-11 to be really understood, rather than what seems to be happening here, which is that the film is being used for political purposes?


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