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Thursday, November 10, 2022

AirBnB Host Survey

 AirBnB sent me a host survey about my experiences and especially whether I worry about things like someone using my place for parties or sex work. Thank goodness I haven't had those problems, though I do worry somewhat about people not behaving appropriately. This is the comment I sent, in the space where they asked if we had any other concerns:

"I feel like you have to be a little cold hearted to be a successful host. People will take advantage of you and waste your time without a thought. I have had several people make inquiries and I've exchanged extensive messages with them and then they don't book or they cancel at the last minute and I lose other bookings. This has happened repeatedly. It would be good to have a way to rate a potential booker so other people know not to waste their time with someone who isn't serious. It would be good to be able to see if a person requesting a booking is someone who repeatedly cancels."


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