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Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Unexpected snobbery

 As I have mentioned previously, the "north side," where I bought my house, is spoken of derisively by people in GF in a way that is inconsistent with my experience of the area (my neighborhood is a mixture - there are some less well kept homes, but mostly the homes, and even apartment buildings, are well tended and some are quite lovely, and expensive - I checked!)

So I'm taking around the newly hired librarian at work, and someone says they wanted to rent for a while before they considered buying so they could learn the area - if they hadn't, they might have ended up on the north side! (Horrors!) I find this both odd (since it's an inaccurate stereotype and elitist af, which I would not expect from most of the people I have heard it from) and genuinely funny, since I couldn't be happier with my location. The proximity to my job and to downtown, the beautiful and well tended park nearby, the nascent neighborhood organization, and the friendliness and care of the neighbors, only confirms what I already think, which is that I made a spectacular choice. 


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