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Thursday, May 05, 2022


I went to a campus workshop about reflective writing because I feel like I have more to learn about how to do that. (I basically use this blog for that - I write down things that would otherwise be bouncing around in my head and distracting me, sometimes even disturbing my sleep.)

The first exercise in the workshop was to free write something about when you felt good at work. I wrote a little story about meeting with a faculty member about her research project.

For some reason that was not completely clear to me, they wanted to connect the workshop with this competency framework, so they handed out a list of leadership competencies. I didn't think any of the items on the list would be relevant.

Then I read the list of competencies and went back and looked at my story. Virtually everything on the list was reflected in my story. It was so weird and sort of funny. I guess I don't really understand what leadership is and I certainly wasn't aware that what I was doing exemplified leadership. Very thought-provoking.


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