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Saturday, April 09, 2022

Insight from an NPR interview

I was listening to an interview on NPR and they were talking about working moms and work-life balance. The guest said something about how it's okay to be away from your kids as long as they feel immersed in or surrounded by your love (I can't quite remember the exact word she used). And I thought: that was Larry's gift - he was never around, but he was so generous and outgoing and fun loving that he made everyone feel loved. Of course that faded a lot in the last 10 years or so, but it was very true in the beginning with me and, later, when the kids were young. I have been thinking a lot about when that started to be less true and then of course in the last couple of years how it became not true at all. It sort of makes me feel better about tolerating our damaged and damaging situation for so long, seeing how this was a significant factor (that and him being a compulsive liar and pretending for so so so long).


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