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Friday, April 15, 2022

Latest child support development

We had a very, very short conference call with the court and his majesty decided he now wants legal representation (he's had almost 8 months to choose this option if he wanted to). I think it's just a delaying tactic, honestly. 

I spoke to my brother about whether I should get an attorney and he doesn't think so. This particular action is just in response to the non-payment complaint I filed. Leo asked what his majesty's "excuse" for nonpayment is and I said, "I have no idea, he never offered one." He has complained about how financially burdensome this is, but that's frankly laughable. He just doesn't want to pay. He is a classic narcissist - I know sees himself as the victim here: my bitch of an ex-wife is trying to rip me off. That bitch has a job, she can support herself. (He literally said this second one, way back at the start of this process. Even though I told him that the spousal maintenance money will mostly be spent on the kids.)

If He Who Shall Not Be Named wants to renegotiate the terms, he has to file a request with the court. For that, I would definitely get an attorney. But this moron (and his TWICE divorced girlfriend) are apparently too stupid (or too drunk all the time) to understand just what a great deal he got. If he wants to reopen the negotiation, I will ask for EVERYTHING I'm entitled to - the full amount for the full 13 years. Retroactively.

When I told my therapist about the latest developments, he literally asked me why I'm reluctant to nail him to the wall. That is an excellent question. It is NOT sentiment. It's really just that I don't want to hire a lawyer. I figure it'll cost me close to what I'm owed (at least several thousand dollars) - it feels so wasteful! And I have SO many things I would rather spend that money on. (And. though it is a pipe dream and a fantasty, I want this man, this person I once cherished, to behave like an adult, like a FATHER!) Now that I have my contract money, I'm feeling a little less frugal. I'm actually starting to relish the thought of a confrontration. Maybe that's what I needed all along for some closure.


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