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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Be careful what you ask for

I'd been complaining and fussing about the men on these dating apps: so half-hearted, so apathetic, so uninvested. So, the universe listened and sent me a super intense, super focused guy who is making me feel a little overwhelmed. 

The other thing I have been struggling with is making friends. I got friendly with some of the ladies at work and it seemed to be going well until it wasn't. Now all those relationships feel a little awkward. I made a couple of friends outside of work and those are more comfortable. I have been feeling like "I need more friends." So today I debated about attending a grad school coffee social because, well, it's cold out, and I'm so much older than everyone who will be there. But they were giving away free mugs and I wanted a mug. Seriously, I'm that shallow. So I went, and I chatted with a really cool, really nice woman who is also older (not as old as me, obviously). And I feel like I might have made a new friend. Maybe. 

But anyway, thanks Universe for listening. And I will be careful what I put out there because damn, I'm powerful!


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