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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Tell the story about what you want

I just happened to read this today, it was in my email and the title caught my eye. But it was so so so much more than I expected. It was a response to a letter about trans women's choice to get surgery, but the response ends with this:

A match for everyone exists. No exceptions. Often, people find their match by “kissing a lot of frogs.” Every relationship though represents a stepping stone toward the one relationship everyone wants, the only relationship that matters, really. That relationship: the one each person has with themself.

Just as you got what you want, that guy from August 2020 will eventually get what he wants once he tells stories matching that.

And this is also the writer's point:

Isn’t it great: when you get what you don’t want, it creates a strong desire in you for what you do want….and then, when you tell stories that match what you do want, you get that?

If I were you, I’d stop telling the story of what happened in August 2020. Why repeatedly share something you didn’t enjoy? Then, I’d never stop telling the entire world about the guy you currently live with. That way, you’ll feel wonderful AND get more things you want.


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