Time for a major rant
I'm getting so mad about the Monday morning quarterbacking I'm hearing from Democratic strategists and consultants, many saying that the Dems need to recalibrate, move to the right, and/or refine their positions on issues. BULLSHIT. Those New Democrat, triangulation motherfuckers are either delusional, or just seizing the opportunity while we're all miserable to push their completely wrong-headed agenda.
Every opinion poll ever taken shows that the majority of Americans agree with the basic political platform of the Democrats. The same platform they've supported and promoted for my entire adult life. Democrats do not need new ideas and they certainly do not need to move to the right to meet Americans where they are.
The regret and disappointment Trump supporters will experience when he does not magically correct everything they perceive to be wrong is going to be epic to behold.
Much more importantly, many voters have been convinced by lies, especially regarding immigration. "Migrants" are not responsible for high taxes, for housing shortages, for gas prices, for inflation, or for that mysterious rash you can't get rid of. And certainly not for crime, which is not especially high now, despite perceptions otherwise. It's significantly down from the covid years. Crime, especially property crime (which is what Americans really care about), is strongly correlated to the economy, which is why it was so much higher when covid fucked the economy so thoroughly. When marginalized and struggling people have more economic opportunity, crime rates go down. Look it up.
I do think Democrats continue to have a messaging problem. Biden's adminstration did many positive things for middle and working class Americans (including supporting unions, lowering the cost of insulin, child care subsidies, and the truly historic infrastructure bill), but Harris spent no time talking about any of these accomplishments. She did make some very meaningful proposals, such as subsidies for home ownership, but it was inadequate to overcome the frustration over inflation and the Republican's deafening drumbeat on immigration.
I do think Democrats need to connect to male working class voters, but not by changing their basic positions. The working class benefits from Democratic leadership and has been royally FUCKED for decades by Republican policies. We need to get THAT message across, not pander to their misogyny or xenophobia.
Climbing down from soapbox now.
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