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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Another bank story

After I moved to ND, I lost my ATM card. It's never been used for anything, so I think it's under my car seat or something. I didn't want to replace it because it would take a week to be mailed to Plymouth and it would take another week to get forwarded to GF. I was using the Google Pay and that was working pretty well. If I needed cash, I could get it at the grocery store.

Then I finally got a local bank account. I don't know if I want to switch everything over from BofA, because it's a lot and I might not stay here. But it doesn't matter because I can just transfer money between the acounts.

Literally, the next day, BofA cancelled my card because I was charged over and over from a website where I bought some (it turned out, shitty) bluetooth ear buds (they worked exactly once and now won't take a charge). So now I have to wait 2 weeks for the new card. But it's fine, right, because I can use the card from my new account and I can just transfer money from one account to the other. Um, no. Without the ATM card, I cannot set up the new account for transfers. WTF? What does the ATM card have to do with it? Money is just electronic blips that travel through the ether. The card has no part in it. ARGH! 


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