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Thursday, January 13, 2022

It never ends

I decided to get HBOMax, so I could watch some of the great stuff on there, including the new season of Succession. But I can't put the app on the smart TV because it's an old piece of shit. However, I took the Firestick from the Plymouth house in October on a lark - it was attached to the other smart TV, but that TV didn't need it. Coolio. I attached the Firestick to the TV I have so I could watch HBO. Works like a charm.

EXCEPT, when I paused my movie and went to put in the laundry, I came back to this on the screen. (I added the stickers to this screenshot so I didn't have to see their dumb fucking faces, which, unfortunately, I cannot do on the TV). *

Honestly, I don't quite understand how this works. Clearly, this Firestick is some sort of clone of the one Larry the Fucking Loser is using - I can see their watchlist in the Amazon Prime app on my TV (which, apparently, I can also watch). However, the Netflix app is mine (I think). I don't really get it. I hate being connected to him, but I want to watch my shows. I'm trying to figure out if I can log out of the Firestick and log back in with my son's Prime account.

The especially galling thing about this particular photo is the date: that's TWO WEEKS after he left. I didn't even know about her at that point. I had JUST called the lawyer and heard his response: "I guess that's where this is headed." It's just a fucking infuriating reminder of what a complete vile shithead he was about the whole thing. I hope he gets cancer and dies a horrible, painful death. Sorry Universe, I do.

*I changed the screensaver from photos to the stock TV options. If they noticed, they didn't change it back, or maybe that change only applied to my TV? Like I said, I don't really understand how this works. 

P.S. His Amazon Prime includes Showtime. Nice for me. I'm now even more convinced that he has no idea what all he is subscribed to.


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