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Wednesday, December 29, 2021


A week. A week of chatting and flirting and then this douche turned on a dime (just like Bobby!):

The last text the day before:

And the day before that:

I also want to remember this:

For the record, that bullshit about getting his heart broken was just a smokescreen. This mf literally ghosted me like a fucking teenager: I never heard from him again. So rude. And disrespectful. I don't understand people. After a week of talking, I deserved better. 

Though to be fair, and I like to be, I was cooling on him by the time he disappeared. He talked a lot about going to bars, which is not something I'm much interested in. He also said his ex never wanted to have fun (who does THAT sound like?) As we talked more, he mentioned that he married young - he clearly wants to play the field. Which is fine. But then why did he make such a big play for me? And, more importantly, why couldn't he end things with a little kindness?



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