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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Too big to fail

Talking with other academic librarians about the future of the university system leaves me with the feeling that the university system mirrors America, with the widening wealth gap that many working class and middle class people excuse and even support, as a reflection of our persistent underlying affection for social Darwinism. Can we change??? 

Interestingly, Cuomo's press conference yesterday focused on potential infrastructure projects with the same tone: we have an opportunity to do things we know should be done, should have long since been done. (Starts around the 16 minute mark.)

But do we have the political will for any of this? Are the forces of "privileging the already privileged" too powerful to turn and redirect?

Here is my absolute favorite political analyst, Matt Taibbi, on Bill Maher talking about the current "bailout." My takeaway is that Americans have accepted this model of capitalism (where the taxpayers support big industry over and over again) and I don't know how it changes...


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