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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Thank u, next

With so many candidates in the ring or considering it, I have lost interest in some of the candidates who seems to have Achilles Heels of one kind or another:

Stacey Abrams - lost her election - needs to run and win a race for ANY other office

Amy Klobuchar - lots of strengths, but treating your staff like shit is kind of a deal breaker

Elizabeth Warren - such a passionate advocate for important issues but the way she handled that Native background issue really annoyed me

Kristen Gillebrand - love her consistent stands for women but hearing that she mishandled a sexual harrassment claim against her own staff is pretty disheartening, and the way she threw

Kamala Harris - not a deal breaker for me but her being a prosecutor raises objections in a year when criminal justice reform is a VERY important issue for many progressive voters

Cory Booker - I love him but he has very close ties to Big Pharma and that might be enough to tank his run, plus at least some people feel like we had a black guy already and we need to have other groups represented

Pete Buttegeig - so great on so many issues but it is not the Year of the Dorky White Guy; he's young, he can wait

Beto O'Roarke - I love him but I know progressives are super cautious about his many moderate stands on important issues

Julian Castro - I love him so much, but he has a major charisma deficit



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