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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Trump support is so scary

Post on FB from Lynn Greer:

OK, seriously, most of you know I am a conservative. I use to post a lot of political posts. But, I came to realize that those that disagree with me have their own path and we may or may not meet up. However, I have to say this.... I was a Democrat. I walked away when I knew that the Clinton’s were criminals. I held my nose as I voted against Hillary. Then I watched as the MSM trashed Trump. Every thing he did was twisted in the news. I wasn’t a Trump supporter until I saw how the corrupt Democrats spent millions trying to bring him down! They lost the election and spent our $ to bring Trump down. Evidence proved that Hillary colluded with the Russians. But, that didn’t matter.. must bring Trump down!! I am sick of my tax dollars going to this! I have tried to stay quiet. But, if you believe this type of investigation is OK then I beg you to educate yourself!! This is not OK!! Trump is our president and he is doing a damn good job!

I went from plugging my nose and voting for him to believing he is the best President ever! Open your eyes. Stop believing the MSM. Both parties are working against Trump! That’s because both parties are corrupt!!

I’m so sick and tired of the Democrats and their bull shit. I literally get nauseous watching the news.... I don’t care what channel! It use to be a difference off opinion. Now it is right vs evil!

Her friend Giselle:

I agree 100%. At first I did not want Donald Trump to be President, but as I watched how evil and corrupt the left is, and saw how they would viciously go after everything that he does, and how he exposed this web of evil corruption in our country, from politicians, the media, Hollywood elites and so on, I can only be grateful for what an amazing man he is. We would never have known all of what he has exposed, and I don’t believe there is any other man who is strong enough and bold enough to be able to take them all on. I love my President!

Her friend James:

Lynn, you are on the money 100%. I shudder as I think of the garbage going on around us. Trump should be hailed as one if the greatest presidents we've ever had. But instead they make him a racist, misogynist, dangerous tyrant. His only crime was he won against the anointed successor to their lord and savior Obama. His only sin was carrying through on the empty promises they have made for decades. America is stronger, and safer, better off with Trump, and they just can't stand it. I will vote for him in 2020, and will always support him.


There was plenty of negative coverage of Obama, especially in the conservative media; not just Fox News, but all the outlets, print and electronic. The conservative media spent 8 years saying Obama was not legitimately the president and that everything he did was ruining America. He was called a tyrant and dictator. I just don't see the difference between then and now. Go ahead, call me names. Dismiss me as a socialist, an idiot, a libtard. I'm used to it.



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