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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Waiting for Biden to get in

Yet another thing making me break out in hives is this talk about how the Democrats can't win if they go too far to the left. OMG! We have this conversation every 4 years. And it's bullshit.

We have lost so many times with the safe candidate - Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry. We win when we have a young exciting candidate - Clinton, Obama - who inspire voters to come out.

Clinton and Obama were smart and in some ways wonky. But also charismatic. 

Hillary had policy positions out the wazoo. That had no relevance to her electability.

I am not a seasoned political analyst, I don't work at Five Thirty Eight. But I can see the excutiatingly obvious!

I don't want some wacko empty suit who can throw out a catchy phrase, but I want the guy who plays sax on Arsenio Hall or says "Yes, We Can" and they write a song about him. Not a snooze! Not an idiot, but someone with a bit of wow factor. 



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