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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Dem Debate

Buttigieg's China answer was amazing; his answer on problems in South Bend was inspiring.

Swalwell's line #passthetorch was inspiring. VP???

Harris was great, but her attack on Biden, though effective, was pure political theater. It worked though, she got great press out of it and showed she can take the fight to the Man. . .

Warren is great, but not inspiring; loved her response when asked if she has a plan for dealing with Mitch McConnell: yes she does.

Booker is great, and may still pull out of the pack.

Castro was impressive, but his attack on Beto seemed weird and mean.

Beto was a huge disappointment - where was the inspiration? Debate is clearly not his forte.

Sanders always seems annoyed, what is his deal?

Biden was under-prepared; I still hope that he will be bested by someone younger.

DiBlasio seemed so aggressive and it was kind of annoying.

Overall, I felt like they are such an impressive field - an embarrassment of riches. I would vote for almost any of them.

P.S. Christy said the candidates must avoid any statment that would allow Trump to call them socialist, but I think he will use that attack no matter what. It gets a visceral response, even when the actual meaning is completely unclear to most.

She also said her dad will just stay home and not vote if the chosen candidate has said they will eliminate private insurance. Not that most of the candidates support that anyway, but also, sheesh. I mean, Congress passes the healthcare bill. And there are so many more important issues. Obama's original plan was not the one that actual passed. It wasn't perfect and has been changed since it originally passed. It's a process. I mean, do your homework. It would be so much easier to elect someone who represents your values if voters actually understood issues.



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