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Monday, December 13, 2010

My new favorite website!

I recently stumbled upon MTV's movie site, nextmovie.com ("movies for the next generation" - which obviously doesn't mean me!), but the writing is so sharp and fun, that I'm already addicted.  Here's a recent post about the "hottest" books being developed into movies (just the intro, follow the link for the full list):

Books: They’re just like movies, only without CGI. So it’s no wonder that over the past century, Hollywood has consistently turned to books to provide the basis for some of its best works. “To Kill a Mockingbird,” for instance, was based on a book, while “Gigli” wasn’t. See how that works?  With that in mind, then, we decided to put together a sneak peak of all the coolest books currently being turned into major motion pictures. Because these days, the best library you can go to is your local Cineplex.



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