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Friday, August 28, 2009

Noah's toxicology report

Basically, we still don't know for sure. This is from Jerry:

We heard yesterday from the pathologist who did the autopsy. She said that Noah had microvascular disease affecting his heart, liver and kidneys. His blood creatinine (a measure of kidney function) was 12mg/Dl when it should only be 1mg/Dl. So he was already in kidney failure. No wonder he was terribly skinny. WHY couldn't he have cried for help sooner? We can only remember the good things about him.

This is from Leo:

I called the ME this morning and the ME, Mark, who I talked to on the night of Noah's death told me that the report didn't show anything specific, and they were putting the cause of death at complications of diabetes miletus (ph). I asked him a couple of questions and he didn't mention kidney failure. I'll call him back tomorrow. I'm very curious about this. In any case the toxicology didn't show any illegal drugs or anything like that.



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