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Monday, June 17, 2024

Local harrassment

 I was riding my bike down 20th St on Sunday afternoon when a car of rowdy guys drove past and the person in the passenger seat chucked a big gulp size cup out the window (at me?) - it hit the street right in front of me with an explosion of ice and liquid. Quite startling and weirdly hostile.

A few days later someone was telling me how a carful of guys frequently yell out the window at her when she is out walking, so frequently that she thinks this has become a "thing."

About a week later, I was crossing University Ave and a carful of guys shouted out the window at me; not words, just a loud shout, quite startling. I could hear them laughing as they drove away.

Is this all part of some sort of low grade female harrassment? Very strange and frankly disturbing. Another symptom of how hostile and angry young men are about their shifting social status?


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