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Thursday, June 09, 2022

Conflict avoidance

A few months ago, I had written about a work conflict that has mostly cleared up but I still feel uncomfortable around the person and basically avoid them (I didn't join a committee I was interested in because she is a member). Imagine my consternation when she started appearing in various social contexts this month - at the work game group and in one of the book clubs I go to. I like the game group, so I'm not leaving that, but the book group happens to be the one I like least - the books are good but the facilitator is not my cup of tea, so I might be passing on that one in the future.

It's none of my business, but this person seems to be trying to get their shit together. Not only these social engagements, but they are consistently getting to work on time and seem to be slightly more engaged in work meetings.


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