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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Roman Polanski

I heard some interesting perspectives on his arrest and I've changed my mind. I had first heard that the victim wants the case dropped so that she doesn't have to keep being involved, and it's 31 years ago now. But then I heard rape advocate Susan Estrich say that it's not a crime against a victim, it's a crime against the state. On the same NPR program, I heard studio exec Michael Medavoy say that Polanski has "made some great movies," like that excuses him. And something about one "moral lapse." And then I got kind of mad about it. It's just like listening to all the excuses made for Mike Tyson - if you're famous or accomplished, I guess it doesn't count. And I found myself thinking, "If the president does it, it's not a crime." Just not right. She was 13. Even if she looked older, he knew she was underage, and he knew she was not willing. That's a crime. He should face consequences.



Blogger  Ingrid said...

And he drugged her. Hard to claim innocence or anything else when you DRUG someone. In my opinion, at this point, it is more about fleeing then the original crime. But again, this was a horrendous crime. And too much has happened at this point to dismiss it even if the victim wants it so.

Plus I’m appalled at the people who use his life’s work as a reason to excuse/dismiss his actions. What on earth are they thinking? She was 13 and he drugged her! If the offender where an everyday Joe in their neighborhood, they would be outraged. Since when is fame an excuse? Recently apparently, as we have seen over and over again. Sad commentary about our society.

11:24 PM  

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