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Friday, May 02, 2008

Hillary - darling of the right

Last night I was talking with a very politically conservative friend and he said (among other things), "Democrats do realize that Republicans want Hillary Clinton to win the nomination, don't they?"

I had heard this of course, but not from someone in the other camp!

So this morning I was subjected to the perfectly surreal spectacle of Pat Robertson and Joe Scarborough gushing over Hillary Clinton's interview with Bill O'Reilly. She's so strong, so knowledgeable. Pat even said if she could "get to the right" of McCain on immigration, she could win (I swear, he really said that). I've previously heard Joe Scarborough say he's in love with Hillary Clinton.

Joe Scarborough went to great lengths to point out that Obama is a total novice, lacks Hillary's many years of experience and is completely incapable of discussing policy issues with the kind of depth and confidence that Hillary can (evidence: her exchange with O'Reilly, that policy genius).

This would already be completely bizarre and thoroughly suspicious, even if I didn't have my friend's words ringing in my ears.

Both Joe and Pat supported George Bush, whose resume was at least as sparse as Obama's, but are now condeming Obama for lacking qualities that mattered not at all to them when an inexperienced Republican was running (TWICE) against a much more seasoned and knowledgeable Democrat. These guys clearly have no sense of irony (not to mention decency).



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