"Obama Girl" didn't bother to vote
I heard this on NPR this morning and then saw it on cable news. Not really important, but does seem to represent a common problem that I have heard discussed repeatedly, which is that young people get involved in political campaigns, but don't actually vote in large numbers. Of course this young lady just wanted the publicity - she might not have even known who Obama was when she appeared in the video. Apparently she wasn't feeling well enough to go to New Jersey (where she's registered to vote) on Super Tuesday, but she somehow found the energy to attend a vodka company-sponsored party that evening.

The campaign launch will put forth the party's platform which includes such gems as "make cocktails, not war," "help end global warming, add ice, "support socialized plastic surgery, "swing votes have more fun" and "life, liberty and the pursuit of happy hour."
I just love it when major corporations use serious issues (and a slutty, essentially naked woman) to sell unneccesary products to the complacent American public. It makes me so proud to be an American!
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