"They are so fucked."

"The die is cast," says Frank Sharry, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, one of the nation's top immigrant-advocacy groups. "The Republican Party is doing to the nation what it did to California — turning it from purple to blue — because they've offended the fastest-growing group of new voters. It's only a matter of how far-reaching and how long it lasts. They are so fucked."
THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES treat immigration as if it were 2008's answer to gay marriage: a wedge issue to knock independents and conservative Democrats into the Republican column. But while sixty-three percent of Americans opposed gay marriage in 2004, sixty percent favor comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship. And while immigrant-bashing drives Hispanics away from the GOP, it doesn't boost turnout among white voters.
Here are other choice quotes:
"This issue is destroying the Republican Party of the West and Southwest — annihilating it wholesale," says Richard Nadler, president of the archconservative think tank Americas Majority. A study of precinct-level data released by Nadler's group projects that a full-scale backlash among Hispanic voters would drive formerly red Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Florida and Iowa into the blue column in November — and with them, the presidency.
Norquist points to an even more dire precedent: In 1884, the GOP attacked Democrats as the party of Romanism. "It cost them the Roman Catholic vote for 110 years," he says. "So it is entirely possible for a political party to be that stupid. It is my hope that it is not possible for a party to be that stupid twice."
To staunch the bleeding, Bush loyalists installed Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida — himself a Cuban immigrant — as the head of the Republican National Committee. But he resigned less than a year later, apparently unable to stomach the nativist ads being crafted by the party's campaign committees. "It was sort of like having a black man running the Ku Klux Klan," says García. "He had to leave."
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