Watched a video tonight that I just grabbed off the shelf at Hollywood video b/c it looked interesting, though I'd never heard of it. It's a Canadian film. This description is by a commenter on imdb:

The title, STEEL TOES, is derived from the name of the combat boots worn by Skinheads, the band of racially intolerant men who strive to re-enact the tenets of Nazi theories. The film opens in Montreal with a group of these warriors, led by Mike (Andrew Walker in a career-making performance) who gruesomely kicks an Indian man repeatedly for no apparent reason except racial hatred. Mike is arrested, placed in prison, and faces a charge of homicide when the hospitalized Indian man dies of his wounds. Danny Dunkelman (played by David Strathairn, recreating his role from the play) is the court appointed lawyer assigned to defend Mike. Danny is Jewish and acknowledges a loathing for Skinheads, and it is the confrontation between Danny and Mike that energizes the relationship between two men who innately hate the symbol each stands for. Danny is a committed humanist and tries to overcome his prejudice by carefully preparing Mike for his courtroom appearance.
Larry and I liked the film very much, but the ending was surprisingly flat after lots of powerful scenes between the two actors. Odd, but it doesn't ruin the experience.
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