Professor Masursky

I taught the stats seminar for the first time today. It went pretty well. Of course I left way too much of the prep until the last minute - I was online last night reviewing more definitions and examples. And I talked way too fast - I covered all the material in about 15 minutes (I had 45). For Thursday, I'm going to slow down. The class was very passive and uninterested, but Dr Lopez, the resident coordinator, said this particular class is just like that and the group on Thursday will be different (livelier).
ADDENDUM 11/29/07
I spent all day Wednesday editing my presentation, based partly on feedback from Dr Lopez, but mostly on my desire to improve the information. I almost doubled the length, by adding more topics and lots more examples. I tried hard to slow down during the presentation, and I ended up using exactly the amount of time I was alloted. Only 7 of the 20 upperclass residents came to the session, which was a little discouraging, but the presentation will be loaded onto Blackboard and they can all peruse it at their leisure (it was worth the time to prepare it if it ends up as a valuable resource for the residents). Next week I'll use the time to discuss the design and analysis of a study reported in an actual journal article (selected by Dr Lopez).
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