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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This is how politics works

Lots of chatter on the news shows about Hillary's healthcare plan and how it reflects a different approach than the one she took as First Lady (some say wiser, some say sell-out). Mitt Romney is calling it a socialist plan, apparently without irony (a rarity in politics anyway), which is funny because Hillary's plan very similar to what he instituted in Massachusetts when he was the governor there - a plan he brags about on the campaign trail. Perverse, to say the least. Let's make sure the electorate is confused, or better yet, completely uninformed - that's what we count on politicans for.

I enjoyed this commentary on NPR this morning. This gentleman suggests that making healthcare coverage mandatory (as Hillary's plan does) is too much stick and not enough carrot. He also says that it amounts to a bailout of a system that isn't working, and what's necessary is to make coverage more affordable. He has a point. (This link has options to listen to his comentary or read a transcript of it):


Mandatory health care won't curb costs

Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton laid out her plan for health care yesterday, which includes mandatory health insurance. But commentator Jamie Court says demanding more cost-effective coverage would be a better solution.



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