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Monday, September 24, 2007

Modern AMERICAN slave labor

I saw this guy, John Bowes, on The Daily Show last night and then heard him again on NPR this morning. This is pretty upsetting. This is not happening in China or India or some obscure country whose name we can't pronounce. This is our brothers and sisters and uncles and aunts running American farms and factories with slave labor. And the vast majority of Americans care more about low prices at Wal-Mart and the local grocery store than they do about the conditions by which those low prices are maintained. There will come a day when this will be as shameful a blot on America as the previous slavery that we tolerated as a nation.


New economy, antiquated labor system

Even with a modern, global economy, slavery can still be found in the U.S. Doug Krizner talks to John Bowes, who has a new book out on contemporary slavery, about how and why it's still around.



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