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Friday, December 27, 2024

"Social democracy" critique

 When I want to raise my blood pressure, I listen to RealClear Politics on SiriusXM. Today, I heard Charles Lipson, professor emeritus at the University of Chicago, talk about how the democrats have succeeded in all the major goals of the FDR vision. He said the Dems have created a "social democracy program," but now they can't afford to pay for it. [Of course the funding is problematic because of the Republican tax cut during the last Trump administration, and will be made harder by the next tax cut, which is expected next year.]

That observation seems so utterly out of touch with America today. The wealth gap exceeds the Gilded Age! Inflation is killing the middle class. Union membership is growing, but still faces too many obstacles. Childcare, healthcare, college loans, and especially housing costs are hugely problematic expenses for the working classes - growing faster than income and preventing people from maintaining, let alone improving, their financial situation.

People accuse Democrats of being elitist, but the attitude represented by this analysis really epitomizes priviledge...


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