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Friday, June 29, 2012

THG - Catching Fire

So why do I find the guy on the right SO much hotter than the guy on the left (which is not prevailing opinion, as far as I can tell).  Maybe it's the eyes, or the jaw line, or the mouth.  Not sure, but he definitely melts my socks, while Liam H does absolutely nothing for me.  Hmmm.

While contemplating this important question, I heard some great casting news for the 2nd movie, Catching Fire (not due until November 2013 - seems like a long time - almost 2 years since they started filming the first movie):

Fricking Philip Seymour Hoffman as the new Gamesmaker, Plutarch (who has a big role in the 3rd book).

And I think Jena Malone would be terrific as Joanna - I could totally see her delivering some of my favorite Joanna lines.



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