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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Grey's Anatomy

I never got to watch the big 100th episode - I missed it on TV and the desktop we have is old and I can't watch streaming video on it, and Larry sent his laptop in for a tuneup and so I couldn't watch on it. Boo woo. I'll have to catch up with that episode over the summer. In fact, I can watch the whole season again during the summer if I want.

I thought the season finale was very moving, but it's also gotten so there's so many characters and relationships, it's hard to feel really involved with them all. I esp like Owen and Christina, but you wonder where they can go from here, now that they've overcome their major obstacle(s). I esp liked that Christina came with Owen to see his mom (and terrific actress from Everwood). I also think it's really awesome that the show is dealing with PTSD, a very real problem effecting a lot of people coming back from Iraq.

I thought Mer and Der's little impromtu wedding on a post-it was quite sweet. I was very surprised that George died (did he?) - I didn't realize that actor was leaving the show, though they've given him next to nothing to work with this season and I've wondered how he could stand it. I expected Izzy to kick the bucket and I was a bit disappointed with the last few scenes with her and Alex - not as meaningful as they could have been, IMO. Lexie and Mark don't interest me at all, so I tend to ignore their scenes. I obviously missed something last week, because they ended the previous week holding hands at dinner with her dad. So they were all hunky dory and then this week they're not even together or something, I couldn't tell (not that I care, I wish both characters would move to Japan or something). And Callie and Arizona feel so contrived to me. I like the actresses, but they have no chemistry, and their relationship feels fake or forced or something. Bring back Erica.

Final comment - I did wonder why they showed two episodes in one night, since the eps were clearly done separately and they could have showed the final ep next week. 2 hrs felt like kind of a lot, frankly, though I certainly didn't say that at the end of Season 2 - some of the best TV I've ever seen (I've watched it over and over and it holds up).


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